Monday, February 19, 2018

Prayers & support for Lisa Marie Presley & her family/loved ones.

Prayers for Lisa Marie Presley, her children, and her family/loved ones.

Recently it has been (sadly) reported on and on about the details of Lisa Marie’s divorce proceedings. Having young children, and some over 18, divorce/custody issues are NEVER “fun”. It takes tolls each minute of each hour of each day. Lisa Marie Presley has to be strong for her children as their mother and her decisions will affect each of them throughout their lives.
I hope others will pray for Lisa Marie Presley and her family as well as for our fellow man. This world needs more forgiving, love, empathy, etc. for each of us carries the weights of our decisions. Our actions. And our choices even when there is only one “choice”. We are so “busy” and inundated with bad news/evil far and away, we don’t convey our thanks/love to one another or to our maker which everything flows from.

*** this article was written by Jeff Schrembs 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ***
I added this, after thought and prayer, true story for context and the hope it will lead to more understanding. More support. More prayers. etc.
t nine years old, after staying with her father over summer break, on August 16, 1977, couldn’t sleep. Her father came into her bedroom, where Lisa was tossing and turning on her white oval shaped bed and consoled her – kissed her forehead – and said goodnight. Hours later Lisa Marie learned of her father’s death through the wailing of her grandfather Vernon, the cooks, members of the Memphis Mafia, etc. it was chaos. Little 9-year-old Lisa Marie picked up the red phone in Gracelands kitchen by the 4 closed circuit cameras (black and white) and put her finger into the first hole (of the telephone number) and repeated this 9 times. Linda Thompson, who had been Elvis’ girlfriend from 1972 (approx) until 1976, answered and heard Lisa Marie say “my daddy’s dead…my daddy’s’ dead”. Linda asked to speak to an adult and confirmed this nightmare was real. Grown men, with various black belts in the martial arts, wept and fell to their knees crying. Vernon was inconsolable and he was frail due to his age and deteriorating medical issues. He went in and out of being alert. Little Lisa Marie tried to comfort her grandfather as she was surrounded by men and women she knew and scores of others she did not. She was told her mother, and Linda Thompson was flying into Memphis. Lisa asked if her father would be back from the ambulance ride. Over the next year, she would see her grandfather Vernon die. She attended his funeral a little more mature and (sadly) knowing the feelings/emotions/loss of her father’s death. Lisa Marie was traumatized x 10000. Her mother, Priscilla, now became the executor of Elvis’ estate as Vernon had died and everything went to Lisa but she was a minor so until she was 18 Priscilla would oversee everything. When her 18th birthday came she wasn’t ready so she let her mother run things until Lisa was 21. At 21 she still wasn’t able so it was extended until Lisa was 25 years old. Immediately upon her father’s death, there were stories written, tv shows about, newspapers full of, etc. the attacks (by so many through decades upon decades ) of hearing so many accused her father of being a drug addict. That he tried to kill himself. That he was really still alive. Lisa Marie is a talented, smart, and loving mother to her children. She never asked for this. Does anyone know how much time it takes to get over your fathers death? Your grandfathers death? Keep in mind this was a very close family. I wish Lisa Marie, and her family, happiness – success – good health – stability – long life, etc. and that this divorce, and the monetary aspects, gets resolved very soon. Jeff Schrembs (google me if want to check my knowledge about these matters) PS – as a footnote Colonel Parker, through court proceedings, was found to have cheated Elvis out of millions upon millions of dollars. That Colonel Parker had not registered Elvis, the music companies Elvis owned, properly which was estimated (in 1980) to have been worth million dollars (in back pay) and about a million each year (for ongoing record sales/media endeavors Elvis did). Between this and the fact that Elvis was, for years at the HIGHEST Federal Tax Brackets as high as NINETY PERCENT, Lisa Marie would/should have received all these monies and a monetary stream increasing each year thereafter.
When one, as this has been my experiences, falls in love and then commits followed by being married before men/witnesses/God it is a beautiful thing. To have children born out of this love is a blessing. Hence, it is horrendous to have to go through divorce proceedings not only for the “adults” but also for the minor children. No amount of money will heal the (temporary and permanent) scars on ones’ emotional state, mental state, physical state, parental state, and even the monetary state regardless of one’s last name (which in this case is beloved but brings forth far too much scrutiny, chatter, gossip, etc. so facts and context matters but always secondary to what is right and the respect and appreciation we each should have for all of our fellow men).
Lastly, I don’t ask (with all sincerity and humility) others to pray, support, show compassion about. not feed into hurtful statements, etc about Lisa Marie Presley because of her name but…in spite of it.

Take care and may God bless you always. Jeff Schrembs    -